Frequently Asked Questions

Where are games played?
Games are played at Kirkwood Park in Voorhees, NJ.

When does the season start and end?
The season typically starts the last week of April and ends in September.

How often do teams play?
Teams play once a week. Games are scheduled Monday – Thursday. Team schedules are posted to the league’s website prior to the start of the season.

What time do the games start?
Games start at 7:00P. Teams play three games with each game typically taking 30 – 45 mins to play. The match (i.e., three games) is usually over by 9:00P.

How many people on a team?
Teams should have a minimum of six players on their team. Your team needs four player to compete in a game, and may substitute players between the games in a match. Having a minimum of six players helps to ensure that your team doesn’t forfeit if players are sick or on vacation during any given match night.

How old must you be to participate?
Age is only a number! The only requirement is that children play on the same team as their parent/guardian and they are able to play the game and abide by the rules.

Is there a fee to play?
Yes, the league collects a nominal registration fee from each player to participate. The collected fees are used to purchase equipment and insurance, and to maintain the courts. The league collected $20pp in the 2023 season.

Who manages the league?
The Pete DiCianni Memorial Bocce League is a non-profit corporation governed by a Board of Trustees.

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